- SuperPole™ for Angled Ceilings
- The SuperPole with Angled Ceiling Plate is a SuperPole with an Angled Ceiling Plate instead of the standard top plate.
- The SuperPole with Angled Ceiling Plate is not an attachment for the SuperPole, it is a complete SuperPole
- The Angled Ceiling Plate allows the SuperPole to be securely installed in areas with vaulted or angled ceilings.
- The Angled Ceiling Plate is adjustable from 0° (Flat Ceiling) to 45° and must be secured to ceiling joists when installed.
- Full manufacturer's warranty included
The SuperPole with Angled Ceiling Plate (SP-ACP) is a Standard SuperPole which can be installed in areas with angled or vaulted ceilings. The ACP attaches to the top of the pole, must be secured to ceiling joists with appropriate fasteners, and is adjustable in angle from 0?-45?.